Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cancer rates

In class today someone asked about cancer incidents and deaths over time. Here are several telling charts from the NIH:




As you can see from this data, death rates from stomach cancer have decreased over time, likely due to improved food practices (refrigeration, food storage and handling). On the other hand, lung cancer deaths increased dramatically in the 20th century, peaking around 1990. Other cancer rates have fluctuated somewhat.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Protein gallery

Dear class,

Your bonus projects have been posted in the hallway outside of 3301. They turned out quite nice! I encourage you to take a look at the gallery.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Guest lecture


I posted Prof. Doyle's slides from last Tuesday online at the course website.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Final reading assignment

Dear class,

I was just alerted of a typo in the course syllabus. The final reading assignment should be Chapters 17 and 20, not Chapters 7 and 20.


Monday, November 22, 2010

HW5 clarifications

Dear class,

A few clarifications about HW5:

Problem 2c - In the second part, it should ask you to find the time dependence of [U], not [U]SS.

Problem 3d - It is asking for the total concentration of the site, [S]0. You should express your concentration in molarity (or millimolar or micromolar units as appropriate).

Problem 4 - Insulin is NOT taken up by the cells; only glucose is. Also, when applying your pssa approximation, you should use it for insulin, not glucose.

Hope that helps,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Problem 3


I just found another small typo in problem 3. It should ask you to look for a maximum, not a minimum, in drug concentration, which will be higher than the buffer concentration. Chances are that this did not affect your solutions, however.


Monday, November 15, 2010

HW4, Problem 3

Dear class,

There is a typo in the problem set for problem 3. The typical surface tension of a bilayer should be 70 mJ/m^2 (milliJoules per meter squared). In the original problem set, it appears as microNewtons instead, which is an incorrect set of units for surface tensions.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Office hours

Dear class,

Due to my presence at the AIChE meeting this week, I will not be holding office hours. However, Sunyia will still be having hers. She also has an additional time this afternoon (see previous post).


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Friday Office Hours moved to Monday

Hello class,

I will not be having my regular office hour this Friday, and will move it to Monday afternoon at 4 PM.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

HW3 and HW4

Dear class,

Per the vote today, the due dates for HW3 and HW4 have changed:

HW3 due Tuesday 11/9 (formerly Thursday 11/4)
HW4 due Thursday 11/18 (formerly Tuesday 11/16)

I will distribute HW4 this coming Thursday so that it is given with two weeks advance of the due date.

Keep in mind your final two quizzes have not changed from their dates indicated in the syllabus, and will be on Tuesdays:

Quiz 4 on Tuesday 11/9 (covering Chapters 11-12)
Quiz 5 on Tuesday 11/23 (covering Chapters 15, 8, &16)
