Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Midterm exam

Dear class-

To summarize what we discussed today in class, the midterm exam will be on Friday, February 4th in class. You will have approximately one hour to work the exam, which will cover Chapters 1-3 in the book. Bring a pencil and calculator. The exam will be open book, but closed notes. HOWEVER, you may bring one 8.5 x 11" page of handwritten notes, front and back. This should give you the opportunity to organize the course equations for quick reference during the exam.

Also, note that HW5 is not due until Monday, February 7.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Lost calculator

Did anyone leave a calculator in class today? One was turned in to me. Please contact me if you believe it is yours, and let me know what type of calculator it is.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Office hours update and HW2 solutions

Dear class,

The office hour time on Mondays that was 5-6pm has been moved to 6-7pm because of a room schedule conflict.

Also, solutions to HW2 can be found on the course webpage.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Office hours

Dear ChE110a,

We have secured locations for the office hours for this course, and note that there are different locations depending on the day:

TA office hours
Monday 10:30-11:30am, Engineering II 3301
Monday 5:00-6:00pm, Engineering II 3301
Tuesday 12:20-2:20pm, Engineering II 1519

My office hours
Thursday 11am-12pm, Engineering II 3321 (my office)
Friday 2-3pm, Engineering II 3321 (my office)

Office hours will begin next week. If you need to meet with someone this week, please email one of the TAs as I will be in travel most of the week.
