Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Updated office hours

Dear class-

The updated office hours for the course are as follows:

me (3321 Engr II)
Monday 3-4pm
Tuesday 11am-12pm

Brad (3201 Engr II)
Thursday 3-4pm
Friday 3-4pm


Sunday, September 27, 2009


Dear class,

If you have taken a look at the first problem set, be aware that some of the problems will relate to material that we will be getting to this week. Problems 1-5 relate to material that we will discuss on Monday and Wednesday, and Problems 6-9 to material discussed Friday and perhaps also next Monday. However, if you are eager to start these problems, the book reading assignment (Ch. 103) also provides background material that will be pertinent to them.


Friday, September 25, 2009

TA Office Hours

Dear ChE170 students,

As discussed in today's lecture, my office hours are Tuesdays & Fridays at 3PM in room 3201 ENGRII. Also, there was a typo in the syllabus: my email is, with an o, NOT spatula like the kitchen utensil.

Brad Spatola


Dear class-

Welcome to the course announcements blog for ChE170: Molecular and Cell Biology for Engineers. To receive announcements automatically by email, I encourage you to add your email to the subscription box to the right. Your email will be removed at the end of the course.
