Monday, October 27, 2008

Test yourself

Just with a quick look, without consulting any textbooks or resources, see if you are able to fill in the following in your head:

dS = ? ; S = ? ; maximized at constant ?,?,?
dE = ? ; E = ? ; minimized at constant ?,?,?
dA = ? ; A = ? ; minimized at constant ?,?,?
dH = ? ; H = ? ; minimized at constant ?,?,?
dG = ? ; G = ? ; minimized at constant ?,?,?

If you weren't able to rattle off the correct answers without hesitation, I would strongly suggest you invest a short amount of time committing these equations to memory. The reason that I want you to have these equations so down pat is that having them at the forefront of your memory will enable you to analyze and tackle problems so much more efficiently: for example, you will be able to quickly access Maxwell relations, integrate out thermodynamic properties, and connect derivatives to measurables, without having to flip through notes and handouts. The ability to call upon such basic analyses quickly and intuitively is not only important to this course, but a key part of your success as a careful researcher, no matter what field.

As we progress into new material in the next few weeks, it's critical that you don't get lost in the new concepts as a result of difficulties with these fundamental equations. Just a little advice,


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