Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Question box: more interactive problem sessions?

We received a question box comment asking if we could have more group-worked problems similar to those done during the interactive problem session, presumably during recitation hours.

This is a very useful comment to us, and we're particularly glad to hear that the interactive problem session was well appreciated. In terms of incorporating more such activities during class time, it is a bit challenging for us to do that at this point because it would require a restructuring of the remaining classes (both lectures and recitation), which are tightly balanced to cover the remaining material. This is, however, a helpful note for us in planning out course material for future years.

On the other hand, the problem sets are an excellent source of examples that you can utilize in a manner similar to the interactive problem session. You should of course attempt these problems on your own at first, but working with other students in small groups after this first attempt can help you resolve difficulty and enhance your understanding through discussions. Furthermore, Prof. Chmelka, Matt, and I hold weekly open office hours which you can use by yourself or with a group to work interactively through problem spots in the homework sets. These times have been dedicated explicitly to helping you, and we also enjoy chatting with and getting to know you better.


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