Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Resources for class

Dear class-

Since we are now in the middle of the quarter, it is a good idea for you to step back and take a broad assessment of your understanding of the course material. If you feel like you are missing key concepts or are having trouble solving problems in the homework sets and exam, you should take action to get up to speed. Here are some things you can do:
  • If you are not already reading the book, this needs to become a priority. In some courses, you may have been able to get by without reading the book. This is not one of those courses.
  • Prepare a summary sheet of the key equations of the course. Make sure to distinguish between which are fundamental and which are specific to a particular substance (e.g., ideal gas).
  • Take advantage of either the TA's, Professor Chmelka's, or my office hours to help you resolve lingering confusion about the material. If you are unable to make these, schedule an appointment instead.
  • Tau Beta Pi also offers tutoring specifically for this course, if you are looking for a student perspective. Tutoring takes place on a regular basis in the Undergraduate Conference Room in Bldg 698. I can give you more details if you are interested, or consult the webpage

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